Friday, February 1, 2008

Ich bin ein Berliner

I have two gripes this evening (notice I used the right 2 so I'm obviosly not that bad off.) The first is with my so called "friends" who as soon as a few parades get cancelled decide that tommorow is just another work day... losers... who works on Fridays anyway? And the second is with the new Doorman at Ms. Mae's. A) Who the fuck do you think you are standing on that fucking stool showing off your trite tatoos? Lame! And B) for the record, I've been kicked out of Mae's more times than I can count, but tonight for the very first time, I got kicked out when I was still capable of counting. Seriously, homeboy needs to recognize that being a doorman at Mae's is half a step higher than being a fucking janitor. Douchebag. On my way out, without even a little comotion, I asked; Was it something I did? You're just a little too loud he says. Oh I'm sorry, cocktaster, was I singing the songs that I paid for on the jukebox with the vigor they diserve? Fucking Rear Admiral. You got to be fucking kidding me. See you tomorrow he says; I say (in my head) my asshole looks like this: * and I'm pretty sure you'd love to lick it.

Other than that it was a real good night, Balcony Bar, Rebirth at Howlin Wolf, good friends at Mae's, untill the douchesquad decided that I was monopolizing all the females in the bar with my REO Speedwagon renditions and needed to be tought a lesson. Are you fucking kidding me?Fucking toolbox.

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