Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Jail Bait Likely Headed to Jail, SWIS, Crazy Chirren

Six teenage girls (all technically minors) are in custody and may be tried as adults with felonies battery and kidnapping. The girls allegedly lured a fellow cheerleader who had been talking some e-trash on MySpace and took turns punching her in the face. The victim was left with two black eyes and loss of hearing in one ear. One of the future crack whores video taped the whole thing and put it on the internet expediting their trip up shit creek. The girls were rumored to be joking while in their jail cell that they wouldn't be making it to cheerleading practice.

Now before you watch the video, see if you can guess where these little darlings are from. Could it be Texas, the land of the Cheerleader? Could it be Los Angeles the land of the privileged crazy bitch? Or is it Florida, the land of white trash and eight year old kids on a bicycles with a guns?

Update: According to the news this morning there is a significant amount of this tape that has not been seen by the public. Prior to the part shown above there is allegedly a scene where the girl's head is slammed against a wall and she is knocked unconscious.

Not too long ago we had the tale of the girl who commit suicide because of MySpace trash talking. A co-worker of mine mentioned the other day that he checked his 14 year old's MySpace routinely for any sort of funny business. When I was 14 I had about three different email addresses, (none of which were accessible by my parents) supplying myself with various degrees of anonymity, two different AIM accounts, a rudimentary web page that was nothing more than downloading station for a live Moe. show and pictures of some models I had crushes on (Kate Moss, Tyra Banks lol!) I knew one kid who had a video camera, we used it a few of times to try and spy on each other hooking up with girls, which worked exactly 1 time. My high school had a social networking program called SWIS that was kind of like an intra-net based facebook with IM. Back then it was about as addictive as facebook mixed with crack. There were a few ways to fuck with people, chat invite bombing, logging in as someone else and doing stuff they wouldn't do (sorry Alyssa), other mostly harmless stuff, but the penalty for getting caught doing anything more than slightly innocuous was fairly steep and so most pranks were kept pretty tame.

There's an awesome facebook group called "Overheard at Tulane" where people post things they've heard around or nearby campus. The comments range from hilariously ridiculous statements about sex or drugs, to things that are beyond hilariously moronic. The more they are taken out of context the better. I bring this up because the kids who are writing on this board are not significantly older than these girls in sunny FLA. I however, can remember things that happened to me in 1990, the year that most of this year's high school seniors were born. Which is a round-about way of saying that I'm old and as such can say:

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