Monday, October 29, 2007

So this past weekend I randomly made a joke about having a blog and several people suggested I start one. For no better reason then that I’m that easily influenced, here I go again. I, for the record, do not expect this to last very long, but hey, its something to do. Anyways I think I’ll start by giving you something to do, because there’s so little going on here, here’s a list of my typical internet rounds (other than email and facebook): (Also (and the rest of the Gawker e-empire:) (I’ve made a few of these myself and will post them when I figure out how)

That should keep you busy while I come up with some material.

Today’s asshole award goes to the Alex Rodriguez and his agent Scott Boras for ruining half of the eighth inning of last night’s World Series clinching game 4. Boras being the ultimate salesman (by which I mean douche), called one of the game’s reporters at one of the more tense moments of a pretty un-tense series to let him (and through him the viewing public, at least a solid third of which rates somewhere between “couldn’t give a fuck about” and “absolutely detests” on both the Yankees and Gay-Rod scale) know that his client (and his own wallet) would be opting out of the last two years of what remains the biggest baseball contract ever signed ($27.7M this year), and his RBI’s and home runs would be going shopping (or whatever the opposite of shopping is) for even more money next year. Who would want to play for the Yankees anyway right? And on that note, I’ll leave you with this one:

Dear Theo Epstein,

You probably don’t know me but unless you want to win my un-coveted award please give Mike Lowell a contract that will make him a happy man. I know the idea of A-Rod hitting after Papi and Manny is enough to make one’s dick move, but A) He’s a douche and I don’t like him, and B) He’s a douche with clubhouse-cancer potential. When I saw Rice-K (DTW 2007) with the bubblegum on his head I almost cried, chemistry is so important in baseball, and you can’t buy that shit with Kraft money, let alone Henry money.

Yrs Trly,

Spud Randall (Pornstar)

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