Thursday, January 10, 2008

Inland Empire

So I just finished watching David Lynch's most recent film "Inland Empire" and let me just say two things: 1.) Laura Dern has still got it going on, how come she doesn't get more work? 2.) If I've ever experienced a weirder three hours in my entire life it was because of that one time I took a bunch of drugs and spent three hours in a closet convinced I was Vishnu, doing yoga. Keep in mind that that was like ten years ago, back when most white people thought a yogi was a bear (or Berra.)

Anyway, the film is like 15 minutes of insane utter nonsense, followed by 45 minutes of cohesive plot followed by two hours of insane utter nonsense. Nonsense is the wrong word though it's definitely insane utter... something... insane utter horror, insane utter terror, insane utter beauty mixed with flashes of ugliness, I don't know, it's a little corny to say but I'm going to go with Insane Utter Art.

I was once at an art museum with my father, and he comes up behind me as I'm staring at some post-modern spasm somewhere between Pollock, Basquiat (I only know artists with movies, just kidding it was covered with paint splashes and pretentious intentionally ridiculous text, like Who was GOD's attending obstetrician or zealous jealousy pleasant melody or whatever) and an eight year-old who's trying too hard to stay inside the lines. Dad says "You like this one?" I reply "No, but I can't stop looking at it." He goes "Art isn't supposed to make you feel good, it's just supposed to make you feel." Deep guy my dad, or maybe he was being funny.

Either way, I was reminded of that as I lay watching this movie, trying to decide whether or not to turn it off. I watched the whole disgusting 3 hours, and even after it's over it still makes no sense, but I'm going to watch it again before I return it.

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