Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Mardi Gras?

More like Party Gras.

I know I’m jumping the gun a little bit, but really, with Mardi Gras day itself a week away, and lots of lascivious behavior scheduled between now and then, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was my last coherent post for a week, or two.

Mardi Gras starts, in my own humble opinion, two week and three days before fat Tuesday with the first legit parade: Krewe de Vieux. Krewe de Vieux is the raunchiest of the parades, with most of its floats being sex-or-other-bodily-function-themed. Anywyas, that was the weekend before this past, and after the parade we went to my new favorite music club and I sang part of The Meters’ Mardi Gras Anthem “Hey Pocky Way” with some professional musicians. I had a boa, I was drunk, I nailed the chorus, it was awesome.

This past weekend was full of tomfoolery and shenanigans; I told no less than three different strangers that I tasted delicious. We saw several parades, none of which can hold a candle to those upcoming, but who doesn’t love a parade, even if it is a small one? I didn’t make it downtown for Barkus, the doggie parade, but from all reports it was a banner year.

Tonight is an off night, but there will be parades and debauchery from tomorrow on until fat Tuesday after which I swear off Mardi Gras for at least forty days.

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