Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I could not care less about TO and Jessica Simpson

This is a screen grab of a link someone just emailed me:

What I wonder is how many people who received the same link read the article without noticing the red BREAKING NEWS above it, I'd guess at least two-thirds.

That's $70B that won't be spent on:
  • Low income housing for the NOLA residents who can't live in their FEMA trailers anymore because of the formaldehyde coming out of the AC, (or those levee thing-eys,)
  • Health care for the 10,000 homeless CHILDREN in L.A,
  • Renewable energy/cancer/AIDS research,
  • or my favorite charitable cause: musical instruments for kids that can't afford them.
Of course the argument has been made that many inventions we use everyday are the product of the war machine. Without microwave ovens we would still be living in the stone age, and without hang-gliders we'd still be... I don't know, zip-lining?

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