Sunday, November 11, 2007


Today the 0-8 rams came to New Orleans and won a football game. Let me count the ways in which that was not the most surprising result of the day (0 and fucking 8.)
Washington Redskins -3. Oops.
Oakland Raiders + 3.5, my bad.
New York Giants + 2.5 Yeah I should be brought out back and shot for this one.
Detriot Lions -1 How the fuck did I lose this one?
Colts -4 Welcome to my terrible 1-5 week GO BILLS!!!1!!

So, I got into something of a philosophical discussion today regarding homosexuality. My thoughts on the subject are pretty abdstract if my opinion is kind of concrete. I used to think that homosexuality was a mental disorder on the same par as, say for example social anxiety disorder. I’m pretty sure that everyone, to a certain extent, has “SAD.” I’ve heard arguments that everyone is to a certain extent bi-sexual. I’m pretty sure that I’ve, and I can’t speak for everyone but, never even thought about another man in a sexually arousing way. I mean, I like Johnny Depp just as much as the next GUY, but I’ve watched Bend it like Beckham more times than I’m willing to admit. My point, not that I'm very good at making those, is that I'm deeply distrustful of the homosexuals, because I suspect foul play. If that's not the case, and far be it from me to stand in the way of anyone's true love, than I would be the first person to congratulate a GAY, but in the meantime, I'm wondering what prescription could cure homeboy.
Did you know:
  • that the main girl from that movie (i.e. the Indian girl not K.K.) is on E.R. now?
  • That E.R. is the only prime time TV show I’ve ever watched with any regularity?
  • SNL ain’t so L anymore?
  • The analysts say oil will reach $120 a barrel in the next 12 months?
  • That’s good news to me?
But seriously, so I work for oil money, should I feel bad about that? I like Miles Davis just as much, if not more than you do. I actually enjoy paying taxes. No, but seriously, the higher the price of oil, the cooler projects I get to work on… Are you mad at me, because I will buy you a tank, as long as its not citgo or shell, fucking elitist pricks.

Everyone should see:
25th Hour
The Usual Suspects
The Last Waltz

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